Your search for SEO returned 5 results.
21 Web Directories That Still Have Value in 2019
In the early days of SEO, web directories were the thing. Back then, the Google algorithm was a lot easier to game. If your site was listed on a ton of online directories, it must be pretty dang special – or at least, that’s how the algorithm saw it. The number of directory links you had positively influenced how well your site ranked in the search ...
21 SEO Mistakes Destroying Your Website [Infographic]
Are you trying - but failing - to get your site on the first page of Google? Want to know if you’re making avoidable mistakes in your SEO strategy? SEO Jury share 21 SEO mistakes to avoid, and what to do instead, in this infographic. The mistakes are broken down into the following categories: Content Image optimisation Meta descriptions Title ...
6 SEO Best Practices That Will Triple Your E-Commerce Sales
Why should you implement SEO best practices to improve sales in your e-commerce? According to statistics from Fortune, Google and Facebook hold the largest share of the digital ad market, splitting 2015’s advertising revenue of $60 billion into $30 billion for the search engine giant and $8 billion going to Facebook. This means search engine optimization ...
39 Essential Google Search Operators Every SEO Ought to Know
Wonna be a certified Google search master? Read Neil's Patel latest article (more…)
Είδες τα rankings του website σου να πέφτουν;
Διάβασε παρακάτω τον step-by-step οδηγό του Anty Rentetakos για να αναστήσεις το SEO και το ranking του website σου. Πριν κάνεις το οτιδήποτε… Βεβαιώσου ότι υπήρξε όντως πτώση στα rankings των keywords και δεν πρόκειται για κάποια ...