Your search for 01/2018 returned 7 results.
21 SEO Mistakes Destroying Your Website [Infographic]
Are you trying - but failing - to get your site on the first page of Google? Want to know if you’re making avoidable mistakes in your SEO strategy? SEO Jury share 21 SEO mistakes to avoid, and what to do instead, in this infographic. The mistakes are broken down into the following categories: Content Image optimisation Meta descriptions Title ...
Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning (STP) Model
What Is the STP Process in Marketing? Sofia has just started a new job as a marketing manager for a fashion outlet. She conducts a careful analysis of sales data within the first few weeks, and quickly identifies a profitable opportunity with a particular group of high-value customers. So, she brainstorms several ideas with her team, and they come up ...
10 UX best practices for ecommerce success
The biggest challenge for ecommerce businesses is how to convert visitors into customers. One of the best ways, assuming that you are providing great products or services that people want, is to ensure that people visiting your site can quickly and easily find what they are looking for – and then are able to buy it quickly and easily. So how can online busines...
40 Video stats you must know if you work in ecommerce
Why videos work in bringing shoppers to online retail When and how consumers watch videos while shopping How videos impact ecommerce metrics and conversion rate
6 SEO Best Practices That Will Triple Your E-Commerce Sales
Why should you implement SEO best practices to improve sales in your e-commerce? According to statistics from Fortune, Google and Facebook hold the largest share of the digital ad market, splitting 2015’s advertising revenue of $60 billion into $30 billion for the search engine giant and $8 billion going to Facebook. This means search engine optimization ...
Social Media Customer Service Stats and Trends You Need to Know (Infographic)
With over 2 billion Facebook users, +700 million Instagram users, and +300 million Twitter users, it’s no longer enough for brands to be merely present on social media. They need to be active and engaging. Today’s customers want their voices heard and problems resolved quickly and effortlessly whenever they reach out to brands on social media. And if brands are ...
Οδηγός Newsletter για αρχάριους και όχι μόνο
Τον τελευταίο χρόνο παρατηρώ μια μεγάλη στροφή των επιχειρήσεων στο πρώτο digital εργαλείο που είχαμε στη διάθεσή μας, το newsletter. Δεν θα κάνω ανάλυση για ποιο λόγο συμβαίνει αυτό, ούτε για ποιο λόγο τα προ...