Your search for Social Media returned 7 results.
Social Media Customer Service Stats and Trends You Need to Know (Infographic)
With over 2 billion Facebook users, +700 million Instagram users, and +300 million Twitter users, it’s no longer enough for brands to be merely present on social media. They need to be active and engaging. Today’s customers want their voices heard and problems resolved quickly and effortlessly whenever they reach out to brands on social media. And if brands are ...
Πέντε περιπτώσεις Engagement που έχουν περισσότερη σημασία από τα Likes
Η διαχείριση ενός επαγγελματικού λογαριασμού στα social media υπολογίζοντας το engagement δεν αποτελεί καινούργιο γεγονός. Ωστόσο, συχνά ένας τύπος engagement που πραγματικά μας ενδιαφέρει είναι τα likes. Ήρθε η ...
How YouTube Vloggers Are Changing The Travel Industry
In the last four years, travel content registered a consistent growth. Travellers share their stories on social media, constantly producing high quality videos, pictures, and diaries. Engaging with travel influencers became an effective way for companies within the travel industry to build brand awareness, and for Tourist boards to promote new destinations. 48% ...
1 εκατομμύριο διαφημιζόμενοι στο instagram
Πέρυσι έγιναν περισσότερες αλλαγές στο Instagram απ' όσες είχαν γίνει τα προηγούμενα πέντε χρόνια συνολικά. Κυκλοφόρησε το Instagram Stories, το οποίο προσφέρει στις επιχειρήσεις έναν νέο τρόπο να μοιράζονται με ...
Case Study: How One Company Used Canva to Increase Their Social Media Engagement by 1100%
Conversational is a virtual receptionist provider for small businesses and startups. Their receptionist team remotely answer calls, manage appointments, and take messages for business owners. Conversational uses Canva to support their marketing and content strategies. It’s working – since posting with Canva images that grab their audience’s attention, ...
2016 Nielsen Social Media Report
“What’s next?” That question drives our industry every day. Answering it isn’t easy. You don’t get there using conjecture or assumptions—you get there using passion, precision, experience and rigorous science. And when it comes to measuring the breakneck evolution of social media—answering the question can be as difficult as it is vital. But when you ...
Social Media για e-commerce: 10 tips, καμία δικαιολογία!
Το ότι έχεις ανοίξει λογαριασμό σε όποιο social media κανάλι κυκλοφορεί δεν σε κάνει αυτόματα και το πρώτο e-commerce site! Αυτά τα tips όμως, μπορούν! Ίσως ένα από τα μεγαλύτερα προβλήματα που αντιμετωπίζουν όσοι ...